Shop Games
WorLd War II Games
Destroy All Monsters: Barbarossa. A modular (shared rules) system of operational through theatre scale (regiment through army) games of Medium complexity. Easy game integration. Perfect for the seasoned war gamer, but accessible to the beginner.

World War I Games
The World Undone: East Front. A modular (shared rules) system of operational through theatre scale (division through army) games. Low complexity. Easy game integration. Perfect for those new to hex and counter war games, yet challenging enough to satisfy the experienced war gamer.
Modern Conflicts
Procedural Combat Series. A system of strategic through operational scale covering conflicts of the Cold War through the present times. A game series that shares a basic rules system. Moderate complexity. Semi-randomly determined combat values and a fully realized air combat system keep things interesting.
19th Century
Imperial Bayonets. A grand tactical series focused on Post-Napoleonic conflict in Europe. Based on Kevin Zucker’s Library of Napoleonic Battles series from Operational Studies Group. Medium complexity.
gunpowder era (18th century and before)
The Great Northern War - a hybrid strategic card/wargame which covers the first Barbarossa in an hour or less.